
学术成果 22nd ICSH ST25 学术活动 重要成果


发布时间:2015-02-04 点击次数:1,867







JIANG Sheng, “A Genealogy of Han-Dynasty Immortals,” TŌHŌGAKU (Eastern Studies) No.129 January 2015.


Figures from different eras of Chinese history—or from outside the secular realm altogether—routinely appear together in images and scenes depicted on Han tomb pictorial stones. At first glance seemingly illogical, this design indicates that the time and space depicted in these scenes transcended ordinary temporal and spatial boundaries. Making a comprehensive investigation of the categories of pictorial stones on the east, west, and rear walls of Wu Liang’s funerary shrine in Chia-hsiang, Shan-tung, one discovers that an encoded system of religious values lies hidden in Han-dynasty funerary pictorial images. Images of ancient emperors, worthy ministers, capable generals, and assassins reflect the Han idea that from the era of the Three Dynasties those possessing sagely virtue and dashing heroic qualities became immortals. Motifs of loyal ministers, filial sons, and exemplary women in Han funerary art make manifest the belief that if during life one was a model of loyalty, filiality, integrity, and righteousness one might become an immortal in the afterlife. Indeed, one can understand the sequences of figures that repeatedly appear in Han funerary art as a genealogy of sorts—depicting the Han gallery of immortals. This “immortal genealogy” of the Han dynasty contained elements of deep-seated Confucian ethics, admiration for martial valour, and long-standing popular beliefs about spirits and immortals. Therefore, the gallery of immortals and ghosts depicted in Han funerary art reflects Han religious beliefs and can also help illustrate a significant turning point in religiosity during the late Eastern Han and Wei. Through a careful examination of the corroborative interface between Han funerary art and Taoist texts, not only can we determine the nature of this “genealogy of immortals,” but we can also apprehend the requisite standards for becoming an immortal. Without doubt, this is a pivotal step in the study of Han religiosity and the origins of early Taoist thought.





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